Form fill out and form data saving

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Password Manager XP can be used for automatic fill out of various forms. For example, for the automatic login and password input at various websites, filling out your personal data, when creating an account e.t.c. Besides the websites, the data may be entered into most of the regular Windows applications.


All forms the program ôknowsö about will be filled out automatically. To enable the auto-filling, make sure the browser you are using is supported by Password Manager XP, and the integration with that browser is enabled in the program’s settings on the Integration :: Browsers page. The auto-filling options can be set on the Integration :: Form filling page in the program’s settings.


Forms that are not ôknownö to the program can be filled manually, by pressing the hotkeys, browser’s popup menu or the menu on the program’s tray icon. After that, the program will ôrememberö how to fill that form and will fill it automatically in the future.

Working with forms

Password Manager XP offers two operations for working with the forms: Fill form and Save form data. These operations can be called in the following ways:

1.Using the menu, which appears at right-clicking on the Password Manager XP icon in system tray area of the task bar.
2.Using browser’s popup menu, which opens up by right-clicking on web pages’ data entry fields. Items are added to Password Manager XP’s pop-up menu if the integration with the browser is enabled in the program’s settings on the Integration :: Browsers page.
3.By default, Password Manager XP will ask whether you want to save data entered in the form to database when the submit button is clicked on. See Integration :: Form filling topic for more information.
4.Using the hotkeys. By default, for Fill form, press Ctrl+Alt+L key combination and for Save form data, press Ctrl+Alt+S. The hotkeys may be reassigned at Integration :: Hot keys page of the program settings. Moreover, there exists a parameter, which permits the hotkeys even if Password Manager XP is not currently running.

Saving form data into a database

First of all, create the folders with the fields' structure, sufficient for storing data for various forms in the database. Right after that you can create the data records and enter data manually into the database.


Database records can also be created and populated with the data of the current form, using Save form data function (it is called by using the Ctrl+Alt+S hotkeys or via program's tray icon menu or via browser popup menu).


If Password Manager XP "knows" about this form, the corresponding record in the database will be updated silently (database password can be prompted if the database is currently closed).

NOTE: To save form data to another record or to edit field bindings of a record linked to this form, press and hold down the Shift and select the Save form data item on your browser’s popup menu or in the program's tray icon menu.

If the current form is "unknown" to the program or Shift key was holded down, the form will be shaded and a Password Manager XP window will appear, where you will need to do the following:

1.Open the database, which the form data will be saved to.
2.If Password Manager XP "knows" about this form, you will be offered the applicable records for saving form data.
a)Select a record and press Done to save the form data into this record.
b)Select the Review field bindings parameter and press Next to review whether the form fields correspond to the record fields.
3.If the program did not find any records, suitable for this form, you have to select a folder, which the new records will be created in, or select an existing record to overwrite its data with form's data.
4.Indicate the accordance of the form fields with the record fields in the database, using yellow comboboxes, located above the form fields.
5.Press the Done button.
6.A record adding/editing window will appear, where the entry fields will be populated with the form data. Press OK to save the data.


After that, the program will remember, which record in the database is to be used for this form. And if the form auto-filling is enabled in the program’s settings on the Integration :: Form filling page, the form will be filled out automatically the next time it is opened.

Calling form fill out manually

To fill out a current form, perform the Fill form operation (called by using the Ctrl+Alt+L hotkeys or via the tray icon menu or via browser popup menu).


If Password Manager XP "knows" about this form, it will be filled out immediately (database password can be prompted if the database is currently closed).

NOTE: To fill a form with data from another record or edit field bindings of a record linked to this form, press and hold down the Shift and select the Fill form on your browser’s popup menu or in the program's tray icon menu.

If the current form is "unknown" to the program or Shift key was holded down, the form will be shaded and Password Manager XP window will appear, where you will need to do the following:

1.Open the database, which the form data will be taken from.
2.If Password Manager XP "knows" about this form, you will be offered the applicable records for filling out the form.
a)Select a record and press Done to fill out the form.
b)Select the Review field bindings parameter and press Next to review whether the form fields correspond to the record fields.
3.If the program did not find any records, suitable for this form, you have to select a proper record.
4.Indicate the accordance of the form fields with the record fields in the database, using yellow comboboxes, located above the form fields.
5.Press the Done button to fill out the form.

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